
love加ing、love加ing、love to意思在PTT/mobile01評價與討論,在ptt社群跟網路上大家這樣說


love加ing在Hate, like, love and prefer - 當代英語文法- 劍橋線上詞典的討論與評價

When we use would or 'd with hate, like, love, prefer, we use the to-infinitive, not the -ing form: We would love to hear you sing. Not: We would love hearing ...

love加ing在「Hate」、「Like」和「Love」的用法| EF | 台灣的討論與評價

在一般陳述中,hate、love、like、prefer 等動詞通常接的是動名詞;而當論及特定時間或情況時,就要接不定詞。但在would love、would hate 等用語上,一律都要接不定詞。

love加ing在改掉常見文法錯誤,加強你的英語能力 - 英國文化協會的討論與評價

像love、like 跟hate 一類的狀態動詞,可以接不定詞(to+動詞) 或動名詞(動詞+ ing)。所以,在上面的例句中,你可以用to swim 或swimming,但是不能「同時」用不定詞和 ...


    love加ing在Hate, Love, Like and Prefer: Gerund or Infinitive? | Langster的討論與評價

    In English, we can use verbs hate, like, love, and prefer with gerund (-ing form) or to-infinitive. In American English, the forms with to-infinitive are ...

    love加ing在Verb -ing: like/hate/love in English - EnglishAcademy101的討論與評價

    You can use the form of like/hate/love + verb -ing to describe how you feel about something. For example, you can say that I love learning English!

    love加ing在VERB PATTERNS (love, like, hate, prefer) with to or -ing的討論與評價

    Hate, like, love and prefer can be followed either by - ing or a to+infinitive. The difference in meaning is sometimes small.

    love加ing在Love like dont like hate + ing - YouTube的討論與評價

    Transcript · Like, love, hate...+ ing · English Grammar For Beginners - Hate/ Love / Like · Like + Verb- ING, Like + Infinitive, Enjoy + Verb- ING.

    love加ing在五月天Mayday【戀愛ING Love-ing】Official Music Video的討論與評價

    ... 戀愛 ING 詞曲阿信編曲五月天導演游紹陪你熬夜聊天到爆肝也沒關係陪你逛街逛成扁平足也沒關係超感謝你讓我重生整個o-r-z讓我重新認識 love (L...

    love加ing在Verbs followed by '-ing' or infinitive - British Council的討論與評價

    Like and love can be followed by the -ing form and the to + infinitive form. They are both correct. Verbs followed by to + infinitive form. When want, learn and ...

    love加ing在Verbs + to + infinitive and verbs + -ing - Test English的討論與評價

    Some verbs in English are followed by another verb in the -ing form. The most common of these verbs are verbs of liking and disliking: love, like, enjoy, don't ...

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